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Welcome to Poetic Yoga,

Welcome Home.


Poetic Yoga studio offers Hatha Yoga sessions

and from Sound Baths to Alchemy™ Crystal Bowls, online and in person,

in groups and individual care, based in St-Sulpice, Switzerland.


Group sessions take place at the Foyer des Pâquis in St-Sulpice

and at the "Centre de Soi" in Préverenges.

The home studio, located in an old renovated farm

in the heart of Saint-Sulpice, between Lake Geneva and EPFL,

is reserved for tailor-made sessions and private and semi-private lessons.


Here, everyone is welcomed,

respected, and not judged.


Your trust is a precious gift.  





Poetic Yoga offers a practice

accessible to everyone.


Like the verses of a poem,

I create my sequences

to the rhythm of breathing.


One breath one movement


Each yogi lives his or her unique experience, in full consciousness,

while taking part in the whole.

On the Yoga mat,

we are each confronted with life,

to ourselves, to our truth.


My promise is

to guide you on the path of the heart and find

its transformation point:

to each his own Yoga.


An important dimension of my signature is

music and dance,

to be able to connect

to the inconceivable primordial energy

who is in us, live in harmony,

with his divine creativity and intuitive strength.


This is why Shiva Rea

is for me an unparalleled source of inspiration.


I look forward to practicing with you.



Alchemy Crystal Bowls are instruments of transformation and healing.

Thanks to their high frequency sound vibrations,

they can remind the body how to reorganize itself at the cellular level

and find balance, harmony and fluidity.​


A sound bath is a deeply relaxing practice

which allows the brain to generate the same waves

that we produce just before sleep

or during meditation.


The session takes place in groups or individually,

with people lying on the ground with a blanket and pillow,

and receiving the sound massage of the bowls.​


My journey into sound art began with Joyah Castañeda-Stajic.

His teaching was my first source of inspiration,

opening the way for me to other sound healers around the world.

Throughout this journey, I continue to shape my own signature, always reminding myself that

'paths are made by walking'.

I am convinced that experience is the true source of knowledge.


Today, in my sound practice, I let my heart guide each wave,

always searching for my deepest authenticity.


I can't wait to play for you.


Alessandra Cossu


My name is Alessandra,

dedicated yoga teacher

and Harmonizer of Alchemy Crystal Bowls.


I started my yoga journey in 2002

during my first pregnancy

and I deepened my practice by becoming

certified Yin Yang Yoga teacher in 2019.


My path led me to discovery

Alchemy Crystal Bowls,

who became

an essential component

of my expression

and my teaching.


I am committed to creating

protected and sacred spaces

for my community of yogis,

a group that I cherish

and whom I have the honor of guiding.


My unique approach

continues to be shaped

through meaningful experiences

and is constantly evolving.


Find out below

the pivotal stages

of my journey.


This studio is truly a haven of peace where you can escape from the hustle and bustle

of everyday life and reconnect with your inner self.
The harmonious blend of yoga and sound healing bowls creates a unique and deeply calming experience.

Beyond the practice itself, what makes this place so special is the welcoming and caring atmosphere

that reigns there.  Alessandra is a passionate professional, attentive to the individual needs of each participant,

creating a warm and supportive community.

It's more than just a yoga studio, it's a sanctuary for body, mind, and soul.

Marie-Jo, Epesses - CH


The studio is open from September to June, depending on the school calendar.

Sessions are accessible by reservation only.


If the minimum number of participants

is not reached, we could be led

to cancel a course.


In case of cancellation by you

on the same day of the session,

unfortunately we are not

unable to reimburse you.

To be informed,

follow the agenda on our website or on Instagram and FB,

subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of the page,

join the whatsapp broadcast channel,

by clicking on the button below .

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Rue du Center 21, 1025 St-Sulpice CH

+41 78 948 22 13

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Delphine Joly 

Janosh Ourtilane


Crafted by Poetic Yoga

Translated by Wix


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