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Alessandra Cossu
2 days ago3 min read
The Resonance of Empathy & Sound Healing Bliss
Human to Human: The Unseen Connection Have you ever felt a connection so deep that words were unnecessary? A moment when you intuitively...
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Alessandra Cossu
4 days ago1 min read
Namaste: A Bow to the Light Within
How many times have we heard this word at the end of a yoga class? A soft sound, a simple gesture—hands gently pressed together at the...
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Alessandra Cossu
Jan 312 min read
Awakening in the Morning Light: Embracing Your Essence
Imagine this: You wake up, still wrapped in sleep’s embrace. The morning light of winter, on the day of the first new moon of the year,...
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Alessandra Cossu
Jan 283 min read
The Alchemy of Sound: Exploring the Magic of Larimar, Rose Quartz, and Platinum Bowl.
Close your eyes. Imagine the delicate, otherworldly hum of an Alchemy Crystal Bowl by Crystal Tones, resonating through your body,...
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Alessandra Cossu
Oct 31, 20241 min read
Scorpio Season: A New Chapter for Humanity.
By Laura Nasi , oncologist, astrologer, and writer. Scorpio season encourages us each year to look inward and make the changes we...
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Alessandra Cossu
Jun 2, 20242 min read
The Meaning of Gayatri Mantra
The Gayatri mantra is the oldest mantra belonging to the Vedic tradition, a chant which demonstrates the unity that resides in the...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 6, 20242 min read
The joy of little things: Golden Milk, a delicious anti-inflammatory drink ready in 5 minutes
Golden milk is a traditional Indian drink that has its roots in Ayurveda. In its simplest form, it's a mixture of warm milk and ground...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 6, 20243 min read
Franco 9.11.1940 - 23.03.2021
Buon compleanno papà, nonno, Franco. Grazie di avermi insegnato il mistero, la libertà, la bellezza della vita. Alla Sera di Ugo...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 6, 20243 min read
Inno a Iside
Perché io sono la prima e l’ultima Io sono la venerata e la disprezzata, Io sono la prostituta e la santa, Io sono la sposa e la vergine,...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 6, 20242 min read
Yoga Nidra: 12 good reasons to discover this practice
by Marc-Henri Sandoz Paradella It's been a long time since I discovered Yoga Nidra and integrated it into my regular meditation practice,...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 6, 20243 min read
Why practice Yin Yoga - second edition
In our world where everything runs a thousand miles an hour, it is essential to take time to refocus and release accumulated stress....
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Alessandra Cossu
May 6, 20244 min read
Masaru Emoto's water discoveries
On the occasion of the next sound bath on October 9, 2022, we are republishing the article on the effects of sound on the shape of...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 6, 20243 min read
What are Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls?
Alchemy Crystal singing bowls are sophisticated crystal singing bowls in which precious and semi-precious gemstones, along with valuable...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 5, 20243 min read
The magic of fasting: From detox to metamorphosis
“Immobile in its chitin coffin, a very fat and sated larva fasts for six months. She is as if dead until the spring sun comes to crack...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 5, 20242 min read
Are you ready to love?
LOVE "The best way to describe love is like when a flower bud blossoms and opens up and it shares its fragrance. When a person emits...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 5, 20248 min read
Circular Conscious Breathing and Elements of bioenergetics
Circular Conscious Breathing is a powerful method used to revitalize and re-awaken blocked physical, mental, and emotional energy which...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 5, 20244 min read
What is cardiac coherence?
Cardiac coherence is a personal practice of stress and emotion management that has many benefits for physical, mental and emotional...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 5, 20244 min read
L'Intensive Gnostique : Une Voie Vers l'Éveil Spirituel
L'Intensive Gnostique, conçu par Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski dans les années 1980, représente une méthode innovante de développement...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 5, 20243 min read
The Harmony of Sound: Discovery of Alchemy Crystal Bowls
Sound therapy is an ancient practice that uses vibrations to influence consciousness. This method is based on the idea that our bodies,...
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Alessandra Cossu
May 5, 20243 min read
Winter Solstice: my Yoga ritual and my new Title
The Winter Solstice Friday December 22, 2023, 4:27 AM - CET In Winter, Nature rests and slows down. In Yoga this season is linked to a...
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